Beat the Heat: Playing Under Pressure

Whether it’s the heat of summer or the heat of competition, golf is a game of beating the heat. In a previous article, we discussed how to capitalize on hot golf course conditions and what to look for while playing in the physical heat. Today we’re looking at how to beat the heat of competition and play your very best under pressure.

You’ve likely been in a pressure situation where you can tell your nerves are trying to take over—shaky hands, sweaty palms, heavy breathing, pounding heartbeat. Our bodies respond to these pressure situations in various ways and can influence our ability to perform at our best. Specifically on the golf course, you may feel like you’ve lost your “feel” in your hands, which can be disastrous since your only link to the club is your hands. This loss of sensation or loss of touch tends to cause people to grip the club tighter and miss to the right.

So how can you prepare for the body’s natural response to pressure and beat the heat of competition? Watch the video below and give this Pressure Ice Bucket Challenge a try:

If you continue to struggle playing under pressure and need help taking the next step to beat the heat of competition, talk to your local GolfTEC Coach.


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